GTT Communications, Inc. is for the second year running designated a Leader in Managed SD-WAN for the U.S. by the Information Services Group (ISG), a world-renowned technology research and market intelligence advisory firm. The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Network – Software Defined Solutions and Services Report emphasized GTT SD-WAN gestita offering its customers flexibility through an array of SD-WAN options from best-of-breed technology partners, and the benefits of GTT’s global Tier 1 IP backbone, which underpins the service and transports customer traffic worldwide with low latency performance.
GTT hosts multiple SD-WAN gateways in its core network to manage the routing of cloud-destined and private WAN traffic across the network. Its SD-WAN services continuously optimize customers’ networks in real-time using AI to route traffic over the best available WAN circuit. GTT ensures customer network visibility and control via the company’s EtherVision portal offering robust management functionality, monitoring, and transparency.
GTT Secure Connect offers a cutting-edge SASE framework that combines industry-leading SD-WAN technology with advanced cloud-based security. The 2024 ISG Provider Lens™ Network – Software Defined Solutions and Services Report recognizes GTT as a Rising Star Product Challenger in this space, highlighting the powerful and advanced nature of its SASE solution and its vendor-agnostic, client-bespoke delivery. GTT Secure Connect addresses the needs of a digital-first environment with comprehensive security capabilities, including Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), and Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS).