GTT Communications, Inc., a leading global provider of managed network and security services to multinational organizations, announced today the appointment of Ed Morche as chief executive officer and board director.
Morche is an accomplished business leader with an excellent track record that spans more than 30 years in the telecommunication industry. Before joining GTT, Morche served as president of Lumen’s North American Enterprise and Public Sector, and previously held other senior leadership roles at CenturyLink and Level 3 over his tenure with the combined organization. Morche’s experience includes global and North American leadership positions at Igaea Communications, Teleglobe, Global One and Sprint, in addition to multiple philanthropic roles supporting the Virginia Hospital Center, including serving as a director on the hospital’s foundation board.
“We are delighted to welcome Ed as we look to a bright future as a managed network services and security provider serving global multinational enterprises,” said Tony Abate, GTT executive chairman of the board. “His deep industry experience, long-standing commitment to service delivery excellence, and proven track record of empowering and inspiring teams make him an ideal choice to continue to drive the company forward.”
“I am thrilled to lead the talented team at GTT and look forward to working with our employees, partners and customers in this next phase of growth,” said Morche. “It’s exciting to join an organization with such a long-standing commitment to operational excellence, compelling market opportunity and great culture for delivering a best-in-class customer experience.”
Abate also shared his appreciation for Ernest Ortega, who has stepped down as CEO and board director. “The board would like to sincerely thank Ernie for his contributions to GTT over the past four years,” said Abate. “During that time, Ernie was instrumental in transforming the company in numerous ways. He is leaving GTT well positioned for continued growth, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors.”
Über GTT
GTT ist ein Anbieter von verwalteten Netzwerk- und Sicherheitsdienstleistungen für globale Unternehmen. Wir entwickeln und liefern Lösungen, die fortschrittliche Cloud-, Netzwerk- und Sicherheitstechnologien nutzen. Wir ergänzen unsere Lösungen durch eine Reihe professioneller Dienstleistungen und hervorragende Vertriebs- und Supportteams in lokalen Märkten auf der ganzen Welt. Wir betreuen Tausende von nationalen und multinationalen Unternehmen mit einem Portfolio, das SD-WAN, Sicherheit, Internet, Sprache und andere Konnektivitätsoptionen umfasst. Unsere Dienste beruhen auf unserem erstklassigen, globalen Tier 1 IP-Backbone, das sich über mehr als 260 Städte auf sechs Kontinenten erstreckt. Unsere Unternehmenskultur basiert auf einer kundenorientierten Serviceerfahrung, die durch unser Engagement für operative Exzellenz und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung unserer Geschäfts-, Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Praktiken verstärkt wird. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte For more information, visit
GTT Media Inquiries:
Mary Lynn Heath, GTT
Siria Nielsen, GTT
GTT Investor Relations:
Charlie Lucas, VP of Finance, GTT